Where To Find Stormwind Cave Entrance and Join Fyoran in Dragon’s Dogma 2 – Scaly Invaders

Where To Find Stormwind Cave Entrance and Join Fyoran in Dragon's Dogma 2 - Scaly Invaders

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Dragon’s Dogma 2 is packed with hidden locations, intriguing characters, and quests waiting to be discovered. If you’re exploring the coastal regions, you might stumble upon the small, tucked-away Harve Village and find yourself drawn into a quest with an unexpected twist: “Scaly Invaders“. This quest introduces you to Fyoran, a Beastren resident of Harve, and tasks you with clearing dangerous Saurians out of the village and nearby Stormwind Cave.

Where To Find Stormwind Cave Entrance and Join Fyoran in Dragon's Dogma 2 - Scaly Invaders

Finding Harve Village and the Stormwind Cave

  • Start from Vernworth: It’s your nearest major settlement.
  • Head West: Stick mostly to the coastal paths as you make your way west. You’ll need to cross a few rivers as you travel.
  • You’ve Made It! Harve Village is a modest place, so it’s easy to miss if you’re not paying attention!

The First Saurian Invasion and Meeting Fyoran

When you approach Harve, you won’t find many residents. The village is under attack by Saurians, and upon defeating them, you’ll meet Fyoran, a grateful Beastren. He’ll thank you for your help and ask you to check back on the village in a few days. While the initial part of the quest is simple, there’s more to it than meets the eye.

Where To Find Stormwind Cave Entrance and Join Fyoran in Dragon's Dogma 2 - Scaly Invaders

Waiting for Progress (And Not Much Happening)

Unlike many Dragon’s Dogma 2 quests, the progression of “Scaly Invaders” is a bit hazy. Your Pawns might not always inform you when the quest is ready for the next step, so it’s best to pop in on Harve every week or so within the game’s day/night cycle. Eventually, you’ll find the village has more inhabitants, which means it’s time to continue the quest.

More Saurians and a Misguided Accusation

When you return, it seems the Saurian problem has gotten worse! Fyoran will once again ask you to clear them out. Upon doing so, a villager named Jonas arrives, accusing Zoran (another Beastren) of attracting the Saurians from the nearby Stormwind Cave. Racial tensions flare, and Fyoran passionately defends his friend. This reveals that there’s more to the Saurian issue than a simple infestation.

The Stormwind Cave and Your Role

The “Scaly Invaders” quest isn’t the only reason to visit the Stormwind Cave. Its connection to the Saurians makes it a crucial location.

It’s nestled into the coastline just south of Harve Village. You’ll spot the cave entrance easily.  It’s teeming with Saurians, so be prepared before venturing in! A portion of the “Monster Culling” quest also involves Stormwind Cave. Tackling it at the same time can help restore Harve Village faster.

Where To Find Stormwind Cave Entrance and Join Fyoran in Dragon's Dogma 2 - Scaly Invaders


Completing “Scaly Invaders” nets you a decent sum of XP and gold. More importantly, it helps with the restoration of Harve Village, eventually making shops and other services available as it becomes more populated.

Final Words

“Scaly Invaders” isn’t just about lizard-slaying. It’s a small yet meaningful quest in Dragon’s Dogma 2. It reveals underlying currents of prejudice and showcases Fyoran’s sense of loyalty. Make sure to explore this hidden coastal location and discover all that it has to offer!

Masab Farooque is the founder of ReplayJutsu and a lifelong gamer, anime enthusiast, and entertainment junkie. He's been writing about tech and pop culture for over five years. When not glued to a screen, he's probably building his next gaming PC or rewatching his favorite anime for the hundredth time.


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