How to Stop Bandits From Stealing in Manor Lords

How to Stop Bandits From Stealing in Manor Lords

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Bandits are not the biggest threat in Manor Lords, but they sure are annoying! It’s frustrating to see those resources you worked so hard on are now in the hands of Bandits. Luckily, there are ways to put an end to their thieving ways. I don’t know about you, but I love showing those bandits their place and in return, I get Regional Wealth.

How Bandits Work (And How to Make Them Stop)

They don’t attack your village directly, but those sneaky bandits will periodically pop in and swipe supplies. To permanently stop the resource raids, you need to find their camps and take ’em out. Cleaning out camps earns you Regional Wealth, which is super useful for growing your village.

How to Stop Bandits From Stealing in Manor Lords

Don’t Want Bandits?

If the idea of bandits just stresses you out, don’t worry! When you start a new game in Manor Lords, you can choose to lower the number of bandit camps or even eliminate them entirely for a more peaceful experience.

Building Your Defense

If you do want to play with bandits, the key to keeping them at bay is a strong militia.

Head to the “Army” tab and start equipping your villagers with basic weapons and armor. Blacksmiths and Armorer’s Workshops are essential for this.

How to Stop Bandits From Stealing in Manor Lords

Keep your village approval rating high! This means a good variety of food, fuel, and clothing available in your Marketplace.

Bandits will always let you know when they’ve stolen something, and their camps appear as little tents on your map.

How to Stop Bandits From Stealing in Manor Lords

Showdown at the Bandit Camp

Send your army marching! Their camps can sometimes be a bit out of the way, so be ready for a hike. The bandits will come out to fight. With the right gear, your militia should make short work of them. Once the dust has settled, click on their camp to conquer it and get Regional Wealth.

How to Stop Bandits From Stealing in Manor Lords

You can save time by letting a few camps build up, then clear them all out in one go! Early on, you don’t need a huge army to wipe out bandits. A few well-equipped units will do the job. That Regional Wealth from camps is a real lifesaver when you’re just starting your village.

Final Words

Honestly, bandits in Manor Lords can be kind of a good thing. They become a source of income for your village and give your army some easy experience. So, go get ’em and reclaim what’s yours!

Masab Farooque is the founder of ReplayJutsu and a lifelong gamer, anime enthusiast, and entertainment junkie. He's been writing about tech and pop culture for over five years. When not glued to a screen, he's probably building his next gaming PC or rewatching his favorite anime for the hundredth time.


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