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Heads Up, CS2 Demo Bug is Flooding Your Hard Drive

Heads Up, CS2 Demo Bug is Flooding Your Hard Drive

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If you’ve been checking out some CS2 demos, you might have encountered an annoying (and space-hungry) bug. Turns out, there’s a glitch that makes the game take a screenshot of literally every frame of the demo. That means a single 10-minute match can generate gigabytes of images! Yikes!

The latest patch seems to have solved this option, you can record again. YAY!

Heads Up, CS2 Demo Bug is Flooding Your Hard Drive

How to Spot the Bug

You won’t always run into this issue, but it’s worth looking out for. Here’s how you know the bug has hit you:

  • Where are those screenshots?: They pile up fast in the “movie” folder inside your CS2 game directory. Here’s the usual path: Counter-Strike: Global Offensive > game > csgo > movie
  • Laggy Replays: If your demo playback suddenly starts to lag, there’s a good chance the bug is at work, taking all those screenshots in the background.

Quick and Dirty Fix (Until Valve Patches It)

Valve will hopefully sort this out in an update soon, but until then, here’s how to stop the screenshot madness:

  1. Find the Culprit: Navigate to that “movie” folder mentioned earlier.
  2. Right-Click for the Win: Right-click on the “movie” folder and choose “Properties.”
  3. Security Settings: Go to the “Security” tab.
  4. Deny, Deny, Deny: In the list of permissions, click “Edit” and set it to “Deny” the ability to create files. Do this for all user groups listed.
  5. Apply and You’re Done: Save the changes, and no more surprise screenshots!

This is a temporary fix. It might interfere with features that normally save to the “movie” folder, so remember to undo these changes if you need to save legitimate recordings later on.

Heads Up, CS2 Demo Bug is Flooding Your Hard Drive

Final Words

Have you bumped into this bug yourself? Did you find a different way to deal with it? Share your experience in the comments below! As a community, we can help each other navigate this temporary issue until the devs sort it out for good.

Masab Farooque is the founder of ReplayJutsu and a lifelong gamer, anime enthusiast, and entertainment junkie. He's been writing about tech and pop culture for over five years at his blog, The Panther Tech. When not glued to a screen, he's probably building his next gaming PC or rewatching his favorite anime for the hundredth time.
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