Bleach TYBW Episode 33 was released today, and two battles were showcased in this episode. Well, the first one was not actually a battle, more like hide and seek between two enemies.
The previous episode brought back two espadas Grimmjow and Nelliel to fight Yhwach and his elite quincy squad.
Ichigo and his squad started traveling towards the Soul King Palace meanwhile at the Seireitei, Shinsui brought Aizen to fight against Yhwach.

The Soul Reapers were not happy about this decision but they eventually agreed with Shinsui. Urahara created the gate to travel to the Soul King Palace.
Some quinces also switched sides because of Yhwach’s betrayal and they decided to help kill Yhwach.
As soon as they arrive at the Soul King Palace, they realize the terrain has changed completely, turns out Yhwach has turned it into Wahrwelt.
What Happened in Bleach TYBW Episode 33?
Episode 33, titled “Gate of the Sun” kicks off with Yhwach turning the Soul King Palace into Wahrwelt.
Then he orders the Schutzstaffel to deal with the Soul Reapers that arrived in their realm.

Soul Reapers Arrive at Soul King Palace
The scene shifts to Urahara and Shinsui discussing about the Yhwach’s new castle. The quinces who switched sides parted ways with the soul reapers.

Captain Zaraki and Kurotsuchi arrive using another gate along with Ikkaku and Yumichika.
Kurotsuchi is shocked to see Zaraki and his squad members since he thought that everyone else used Urahara’s gate.
Zaraki explains he went to use the restroom and was left behind and it is better this way since he does not want to cut his own teammates mistakenly.
Some yapping happens between the captains and then they finally decide to move towards the castle.

Grimmjow Jaegerjaquez vs Askin Nakk Le Vaar
The scene shifts to Ichigo and the squad, the squad includes Neil, Grimmjow, Orihime, Chad, and Yoruichi.
Their squad encounters Askin Nakk Le Vaar. Grimmjow engages in battle with him but he runs away.

Grimmjow follows him but Askin Nakk Le Vaar is alot faster than him, so he goes into a partial release state to reach him.
Grimmjow eventually catches up to him but he manipulates Grimmjow into breaking a poison ballon.
You can’t accept gifts from strangers!

Lille Barro Snipes Soul Reapers
The scene shifts to Shinsui and Urahara’s squad. Lille Barro uses his sniper to attack the soul reapers that are running towards the castle.
The squad then splits so that Lille Barro can’t pinpoint their locations. Renji then encounters Uryu Ishida.

Renji vs Uryu
The scenes in this battle are ‘anime-only’ just like the battle between Ichigo and Uryu. Without wasting time, Renji unleashes his Bankai as he thinks he has become much stronger and will be able to defeat Uryu easily.
However, Ishida has become much stronger as well. For a while, Renji overpowered Uryu using his new Bankai.

As soon as he tries to inflict a fatal wound on Ishida, he uses his quincy power “Blut“. Uryu then unleashes his true quincy powers and defeats Renji. The episode ends with Uryu explaining why Renji lost:

Uryu’s fight with Renji highlights his immense growth. The animation stays top-notch, and the evolving dynamics, including Zaraki’s humorous arrival, and Lille Barro’s sniping threat, keep the tension high.
Overall, Bleach TYBW Episode 33 was fun to watch, really excited to see Grimmjow vs Askin Nakk Le Vaar.