Lookism 523 Spoilers, Review and Raw Scans – Shingen Yamazaki vs Shintaro Yamazaki

Lookism 523 Spoilers, Review and Raw Scans - Shingen Yamazaki vs Shintaro Yamazaki

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Lookism 523 is finally here and the Gun Park Past Arc is still ongoing. The tables turned on the Yamazaki Syndicate. Shingen Yamazaki tore the Syndicate apart, whoever came at him he defeated them!

Shintaro revealed that the Syndicate can not defeat Shingen, they would need an army to defeat someone like Shingen.


Shingen Yamazaki and Gun Park are now the ones on the offensive. After the Syndicate underestimated their power, Shingen and Gun obliterate the three big families.

Shingen takes out Takeshi Matsumoto. Even Masaichi Takanobu, who challenges Shingen to a fistfight, is overpowered. Watanabe Kokuin’s attempt with a sword fails miserably as well.

Shingen proves he’s unstoppable, saying the only one worthy of being his opponent is in Korea (the leader of fist gang).

Lookism 522 Spoilers, Review and Raw Scans - Tora Oni is Dancing

Gun Park, meanwhile, handles the younger members of the Syndicate’s families, defeating them all. However, when he expects acknowledgment from his father, Shingen, he is left disappointed, and shocked as Shingen doesn’t acknowledge him, saying, “Who are you?”

What Happened in Lookism 523?

Lookism 523 starts with Shingen failing to recognize Gun Park as his son, even when a crew member points it out. Shingen dismisses the claim, saying he doesn’t care and doesn’t want Gun anywhere near him.

Lookism 523 Spoilers, Review and Raw Scans

Meanwhile, two crew members discuss the increased workload since the rebellion and how nobody would dare to challenge the clan now.

They also talk about Shintaro, who stayed loyal to the clan and refused to join the rebellion, living by the strict rules of the Yamazaki Clan.

Shintaro is informed that the woman who raised him and Shingen has gotten sick. When he rushes to her side, she reveals a secret that changes everything for Shintaro.

Shintaro was always the older brother, meant to be the clan’s leader. The story everyone knew about the leader saving Shingen from a fire was false.

Shintaro was the one who saved him. His mother had lied to keep herself safe. Shintaro was devasted by this since he also killed his own child for the Yamazaki clan, at first he refused to believe this but later he realized that it was the truth. Shintaro loses control and kills the woman.

Overwhelmed with rage and betrayal, he heads straight for Shingen. He now wants to take his rightful place as leader of the Yamazaki Clan.

Lookism 523 Spoilers, Review and Raw Scans

The chapter ends on a cliffhanger with Shintaro heading towards the Yamazaki Temple holding a sword.


Now that was unexpected and a really good twist in the story. Shingen’s brutal rejection of Gun Park is pretty much the reason he has daddy issues, and I guess that is why he remained loyal to Charles Choi to the very end.

The upcoming chapter will most likely focus on the fight between Shingen and Shintaro, as Shingen won’t just leave his seat peacefully.

Overall, the chapter was really good, really excited to see the showdown between the brothers!

Rating: 5 out of 5.

Masab Farooque is the founder of ReplayJutsu and a lifelong gamer, anime enthusiast, and entertainment junkie. He's been writing about tech and pop culture for over five years. When not glued to a screen, he's probably building his next gaming PC or rewatching his favorite anime for the hundredth time.


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